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Well, as one would expect, there are a selected few that will know a lot about it, and a very large majority who will know almost nothing about it. Stereotypical impressions about China, shared by most people I know, include the following:

There are lots of Chinese there. Like, more than one billion. We do not really know how one billion people look like but it must be a hell lot of people.
Because of the huge population, there is a very strict one-child-only policy.
They suck at football. But they are really good at stuff like table tennis and maybe gymnastics.
They are extremely determined and disciplined. This translates in the most beautiful opening and closing acts of Olympic Games. But they lack social skills.
They all look the same. And they also look the same as Japanese and Korean people (I am of Japanese descent, so I hear this all the time).
长得都一样,和日本人和韩国人长得一样 (原作者是日裔,常听这么说)
They manufacture most of the stuff we use. Like kitchen stuff, clothes, electronic devices. We find it funny, but are not totally surprised, when we buy souvenir from a Brazilian city we visited on vacations and it is also made in China.
They eat bugs.
They eat lots of fried chicken and chop suey. Because this is what we buy every week from the local (Brazilian) home-delivery restaurant. The most famous is called “China in Box”.
吃很多炸鸡和下水, 因为这是我们在本地中国饭馆买到的,最有名的餐馆叫“China in box”
There is a huge wall there, that can allegedly be seen from the moon.
Chinese language (yes, this is the way most people think of it – as one single Chinese language) is very difficult, not only because of the thousands of different letters one has to learn, but also because it is very difficult to speak.
中文 (大家以为中国人只说一种称为中国话的语言)非常难,不仅是因为要学数千个不同的字符,而且也特别难讲
It is very far away from here.
Some other stuff that sometimes pops up:
Chinese government is authoritarian. They mistreat Tibetan people, who in turn are all nice, peaceful, Dalai-Lama-like people.
There is also something going on with Taiwan. Not sure what…
They recently had a quarrel with Japan because of some empty island. This is because of some historic rivalry with Japan.
They have been there for, like, thousands of years.
Their culture is ancient. There was Confucius.
There are lots of rich people there. They like to buy expensive stuff.
There is Deal Extreme. And Ali Express.
有非常便宜的东西,有Ali Express 速卖通
I think this sums up most of the more common stuff. Of course, a few people more involved with the Chinese community, as well as businesspeople that, for different reasons, have been there, or deal with Chinese people and companies, know much more about the country.
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