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Peixe Urbano是巴西最大团购网站,依托里约热内卢市场发展起来的,在巴西拥有2000万用户,以及3万合作商家,自2010 年创建以来已经在线上售卖出超过3000万次酒店、机票等,2014年被百度收购了的控股权。


Julio Vasconcellos, Co-founder and CEO of Peixe Urbano

Here’s a list of things I’d strongly advise doing:


1. Move to Brazil – You’d be surprised how many people try to start their business remotely
1. 搬到巴西去,你会奇怪怎么会有那么多人想远程开创他们的事业。

2. Learn Portuguese – not only will it help you communicate better with employees but will show humility in wanting to learn the language and culture
2. 学葡萄牙语。不仅仅是为了和你的雇员交流,而且能显示你想学习他们的文化和语言的谦卑心态。

3. Find a co-founder or key hire that is Brazilian, lives in Brazil, and has experience operating in Brazil. If that person also has experience living, working, or studying abroad even better as they’ll be a great cultural and professional bridge for you. This is a great position for an Operations or Sales role given how important it is to know the local culture and way of doing business in those two disciplines
3. 找一个合伙人,或者一个关键雇员,这个人必须是巴西人,居住在巴西,有在巴西经营的经验,如果这个人在国外居住、生活或者学习过,那就更好了。这样他和你交流文化和专业问题就更加方便。公司要在巴西运营和销售,了解本地的文化和做生意的方式非常重要。

4. Network a lot with anyone and everyone that can help you understand what it’s like to do business in Brazil. Not only will you get good advice and identify potential pitfalls, but those contacts will be very important for you to identify key hires (one big disadvantage you’ll have is your lack of local network in Brazil, so hiring will be more challenging) as well as good service providers (PR company, real estate broker, accountant, lawyers, etc.)
4. 积极交际,尤其是能够让你了解巴西生意的人。不仅仅是获得生意上的好主意和抓住机遇,这些人还能帮助你鉴定关键的雇员(你最大的劣势是你没有本地交际网络,所以雇佣更加有挑战),和认识更多的本地服务提供商(如公共关系公司、房地产经济,会计师、律师等等)

5. Unlike some of the other answers, I don’t think raising money is a critical step in the process. If you build a good team (as per above), you’ll execute well, and the money will come. If you are picking between potential backers, a mix of foreign VCs and local VCs is always a good thing as you can tap networks and knowledge in Brazil and abroad. For the foreign VCs, getting folks on board that have previously invested in Brazilian companies is a big plus.
5. 和其他人不同,我不认为钱是一个关键的步骤,如果有你能够建一个满足上面要求的团队,而且运行良好,我相信钱会不请自来。如果选择投资者,常常会面临境外投资者和境内投资者的选择,两者均有十个不错的选择,因为你们建立国内国外的关系网,如果选择境外投资者,选择已经在巴西投资过的投资者最好(笔者: 百度?)。